Author Archives: RogerMacB

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A New Start In a New Year

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Somehow, a lot of this Web Journal went blooie, and I am trying to put it back together. Let’s see if it works…

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Keep Smiling

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I am restarting FoxBytes after a long time away.

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Mr. Lincoln’s High-Tech War Revisited

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I have just been doing various updates and tweaks to the website for a book my father and I wrote for National Geographic — Mr. Lincoln’s High-Tech War. Just by the nature of the beast, in any website there are always typos to fix and tweaks to the text to deal with, and, as time […]

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70th Anniversary of End of War Against Japan

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My father, Thomas B. Allen, and his long-time writing partner, Norman Polmar, have just published a piece on TheAtlantic.con, recounting the frantic behind-the-scenes activity in Tokyo — and attempted coup — that led to the Japanese surrender. Here’s a link to this fascinating story: 70 Years After Hiroshima. It is more than worth a read. […]

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And Now, for my next trick…

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We have reached a bit of a pause in terms of rolling out InterstellarNet: Enigma. After wheeling out the five-part serial on a weekly basis, as well as sending out review copies, making parts one and two available as free downloads and so forth, I am catching my breath before the June 30 release of […]

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Review Copies Away!

After an amazingly long and involved process (many of these reviewers seem as if they don’t WANT to be found!) I have managed to send off printed review copies of InterstellarNet: Enigma. The official pub date is June 30, 2015, but between you, me, and the wallpost, most such dates are imaginary and have been […]

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The Third-Best Thing You Can Do For A Book

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The best thing you can do for a book is read it. The second-best thing you can do is buy it. (And, of course, we writers would be all in favor of your doing the second one first.) But, if you like a book and want to support it, and help reward the author for […]

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Visit to the First Time Capsule and its younger sibling

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Two Shots of the Time Capsule Marker as taken 24 April 2015. A close-up of the inscription in one, and in the other, a reverse angle, looking toward the derelict remains of the 1964-1965 New York State Pavilion. There are two Time Capsules buried on the site. The first, buried in 1938, is fifty feet […]

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A Visit To A Time Machine

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Just back from a trip to New York City, where I used one amazing Time Machine (The New York Public Library Manuscript and Archives) to visit another Time Machine — The world’s first Time Capsule. My father and I have been working for years on a book about the Time Capsule (our second one, actually) […]

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The Washington Monument: Sentinel on the Mall

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My father, Thomas B. Allen, was just on the PBS National Geographic Special The National Mall — America’s Front Yard. One of the things he talked about was The Washington Monument. In fact, he wrote the book on it, and here it is. Later, when I can catch my breath, we’ll get the book onto […]

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