Category Archives: Book News

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Mr. Lincoln’s High-Tech War Revisited

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I have just been doing various updates and tweaks to the website for a book my father and I wrote for National Geographic — Mr. Lincoln’s High-Tech War. Just by the nature of the beast, in any website there are always typos to fix and tweaks to the text to deal with, and, as time […]

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Review Copies Away!

After an amazingly long and involved process (many of these reviewers seem as if they don’t WANT to be found!) I have managed to send off printed review copies of InterstellarNet: Enigma. The official pub date is June 30, 2015, but between you, me, and the wallpost, most such dates are imaginary and have been […]

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The Third-Best Thing You Can Do For A Book

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The best thing you can do for a book is read it. The second-best thing you can do is buy it. (And, of course, we writers would be all in favor of your doing the second one first.) But, if you like a book and want to support it, and help reward the author for […]

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The Washington Monument: Sentinel on the Mall

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My father, Thomas B. Allen, was just on the PBS National Geographic Special The National Mall — America’s Front Yard. One of the things he talked about was The Washington Monument. In fact, he wrote the book on it, and here it is. Later, when I can catch my breath, we’ll get the book onto […]

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Breaking Radio Silence

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As is well known, one of the great dangers of running this sort of web journal is setting the whole damn thing up and then running out of things to say. The Interwebs (aka the World Wide Tubes) are littered with endless sites that promise a new posting by [date years in the past] or […]

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Phase One More or Less Complete

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I have just now completed getting all the initial bits and pieces together for releasing InterstellarNet: Enigma. One print book. (Which will go to at least two printers.) Three slightly different versions of the whole book as an ebook — one each for Kindle, Barnes & Noble, and Apple’s iBook store. (Each has ad pages […]

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