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Phase One More or Less Complete

I have just now completed getting all the initial bits and pieces together for releasing InterstellarNet: Enigma. One print book. (Which will go to at least two printers.) Three slightly different versions of the whole book as an ebook — one each for Kindle, Barnes & Noble, and Apple’s iBook store. (Each has ad pages in the back, and I set up links so that, for example, the Kindle edition would link to sales pages on the Amazon/Kindle store, and NOT the Nook store.) Then the book was split up into five parts, and each of those had to be tweaked for its three destinations. Then some promotional samplers (such as what you’ll find here on FoxBytes). Then a press release. Then re-pricing older titles for promotional purposes. Then doing updates and correction on all of the above. Then updating the stand-alone version of Championship B’tok.

And, in the middle there, I had to break off to get my family’s taxes done. That, in a way, made for a nice little break in routine.

And, of course, I was (re)inventing the wheel here at FoxBytes. By no means is this site going to be All-InterstellarNet all the time. (I am going to post this and get to work on a totally different book that has to be done by tomorrow!) But learning WordPress (the system that runs FoxBytes) was a forced-march education in and of itself.

Needless to say,, there is plenty of work left to do, both for the InterstellarNet books, and all sorts of other projects (including a novel of my own that I need to get back to as soon as possible). But it’s nice to reach a point where I am at least a little bit caught up on something.

More to come, as always —


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