Monthly Archives: April 2015

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Visit to the First Time Capsule and its younger sibling

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Two Shots of the Time Capsule Marker as taken 24 April 2015. A close-up of the inscription in one, and in the other, a reverse angle, looking toward the derelict remains of the 1964-1965 New York State Pavilion. There are two Time Capsules buried on the site. The first, buried in 1938, is fifty feet […]

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A Visit To A Time Machine

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Just back from a trip to New York City, where I used one amazing Time Machine (The New York Public Library Manuscript and Archives) to visit another Time Machine — The world’s first Time Capsule. My father and I have been working for years on a book about the Time Capsule (our second one, actually) […]

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The Washington Monument: Sentinel on the Mall

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My father, Thomas B. Allen, was just on the PBS National Geographic Special The National Mall — America’s Front Yard. One of the things he talked about was The Washington Monument. In fact, he wrote the book on it, and here it is. Later, when I can catch my breath, we’ll get the book onto […]

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Breaking Radio Silence

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As is well known, one of the great dangers of running this sort of web journal is setting the whole damn thing up and then running out of things to say. The Interwebs (aka the World Wide Tubes) are littered with endless sites that promise a new posting by [date years in the past] or […]

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Phase One More or Less Complete

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I have just now completed getting all the initial bits and pieces together for releasing InterstellarNet: Enigma. One print book. (Which will go to at least two printers.) Three slightly different versions of the whole book as an ebook — one each for Kindle, Barnes & Noble, and Apple’s iBook store. (Each has ad pages […]

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Everything is harder and takes longer

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Well, anyway, it seems that way some times. But all that to one side, having spent the day bashing on recalcitrant fonts and wrassling hyperlinks that were far from hyper and didn’t want to link, I have gotten the files for our free Championship B’tok download done. Now on to the next panic-stricken deadline! All […]

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You Can’t Improve Your Plan if You Don’t Have One

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I’ve been charging in about four directions at once the last few days, trying to prepare materials to launch FoxBytes while at the same time preparing the materials I want to include in it while at the same time learning WordPress (the open-source software that is running FoxBytes) along with the Traffica theme and the […]

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Getting this place put together

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Still working on inventing certain bits of the wheel and discovering fire, insofar as getting this website up and running. One of the big things I wanted to do was set up a relatively painless way for A. Citizen to click on a link, enter an email address, and then get a free file download. […]

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Big News for a Small Press Publisher

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Welcome to FoxBytes, the web journal (I hate the word “blog” — though I suppose I’ll wind up using it sometimes) for FoxAcre Press.  There’s a bunch of pretty big news here, but maybe I’d better start near-ish the beginning. My name’s Roger MacBride Allen. I have written about twenty or so science fiction novels, […]

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