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Big News for a Small Press Publisher

Welcome to FoxBytes, the web journal (I hate the word “blog” — though I suppose I’ll wind up using it sometimes) for FoxAcre Press.  There’s a bunch of pretty big news here, but maybe I’d better start near-ish the beginning.

My name’s Roger MacBride Allen. I have written about twenty or so science fiction novels, all published by major New York houses. Meanwhile, for years, I have also been running FoxAcre Press, which has mainly stuck to reprints of science fiction and fantasy titles. We have sort-of edged into publishing sort-of new work now and again — giving authors the chance to update older works, combining previously published linked stories into a complete novel, that sort of thing. We will of course continue to reprints of all sorts — there’s a lot of good stuff out there that deserves to be seen again. But now we’re publishing some brand-new titles in fantasy and science fiction. One way to let more people know about it is to start this journal,

Fair warning is that I’ll be doing a certain amount of inventing the wheel around here, so there might be a few rough edges or bits of dummy text still in place while I bash things into place. It’s also not impossible that things will take a very hard left turn if I decide to do a major redesign. We’re here to stay, but the place might change around a bit– so here we go!

All the best —
